JUMP TOACT-ON APIAPI OverviewRequest a Developer AccountAccountUserspecs OverviewCreate new account userpostDelete account userspostGet defined email sendersgetFactUpload custom eventspostGet upload custom event statusgetContentGet logo listgetAdd a logopostGet a logogetUpdate a logoputDelete a logodeleteGet header listgetGet a headergetUpdate a headerputDelete a headerdeleteAdd a headerpostGet footer listgetGet a footergetDelete a footerdeleteUpdate a footerputAdd a new footerpostGet image listgetAdd an imagepostGet an imagegetUpdate an imageputDelete an imagedeleteGet media listgetGet media filegetUpdate Media FileputDelete a media objectdeleteAdd a media filepostAdd a media linkpostGet form listgetGet classic form URLsgetGet landing page listgetGet landing pagegetDelete landing pagedeleteGet landing page URLsgetGet list of programsgetReportingGet message reportgetGet message report drilldowngetGet message report by time periodgetGet media reportgetGet media message reportgetGet a media view reportgetGet a media timeline reportgetGet form reportgetGet landing page reportgetEmail CampaignGet message listgetAdd new template or draft messagepostGet CampaigngetGet Campaigns ListgetSend a messagepostResend a messageputUpdate template or draft messageputDelete a messagedeleteGet message HTML contentsgetETE RequestpostSEOGet a new SEO reportgetGet SEO keywordsgetContacts > ContactAdd a contactpostUpsert a contact record by emailputGet contact history and scoregetGet contact recordgetUpdate a contact by record IDputDelete a contactdeleteDelete multiple contactsdeleteGet contact record ID based on cookie valuegetGet contact from list based on cookie ID or e-mailgetSet Multiple Subscriptions by email addressputUpdate Subscription by EmailputContact > Marketing ListsUploadSpecs OverviewMergespecs OverviewDelete records from a listdeleteGet list of Act-On AssetsgetCreate a new listpostDownload ListgetUpdate or merge a listputDelete a listdeleteGet list upload statusgetGet rejected records from an uploadgetContacts > System ListsGet Subscription CategoriesgetGet subscription opt-outs by categorygetGet hard bounce listgetGet spam complaint listgetGet Opt Out ListgetUpdate optout listputRemove Opt OutsputOauthGrant-Type PasswordpostGrant-Type RefreshpostGrant-Type CodeAudience Center Contacts APIContact Import ManagementImport ContactspostGet Import DefinitionsgetCreate an Import DefinitionpostGet Import Definition by IdgetUpdate an Import DefinitionputDelete Import Definition by IddeleteGet Import statusgetContact ManagementGet contacts from the Act-On Contacts ListgetAdd a single contact to the Act-On Contacts ListpostGet contacts from the Act-On Contacts List specifying the fields to be returnedpostGet contact in the Act-On Contacts List by cookie idgetGet contacts from the Act-On Contacts List by email addressgetUpdate contacts in the Act-On Contacts List by email addressputDelete contact in the Act-On Contacts List by email addressdeleteDelete contacts in the Act-On Contacts List by emailsdeleteGet contact in the Act-On Contacts List by externalId and object typegetUpdate contact in the Act-On Contacts list by externalId & objectType, fallback to email matchputDelete contact in the Act-On Contacts List by externalId and object typedeleteGet contact in the Act-On Contacts List by idgetUpdate contact in the Act-On Contacts List by idputDelete contacts in the Act-On Contacts List by idsdeleteContact Report ManagementGet contact history by email addressgetGet all scores for a contact by email addressgetGet all segments that the contact belong by email addressgetGet contact history by externalId and object typegetGet all scores for a contact by externalId and object typegetGet all segments that the contact belong by externalId and object typegetGet contact history by idgetGet all scores for a contact by idgetGet all segments that the contact belong by idgetUCL Schema ManagementGet SchemagetAdd FieldpostUpdate FieldDefinitionputDelete FielddeleteUCL Segment ManagementGet SegmentsgetCreate a segmentpostGet Segment by IdgetUpdate Segment. If it's a Direct Select Segment, only the name can be updated.putDelete SegmentdeleteGet Contacts from a SegmentgetAdd Contacts to a Direct Select SegmentputRemove Contacts from Direct Select SegmentdeleteRemove Contacts from Direct Select Segment by emaildeleteAdd Contacts to a Direct Select Segment By External idputRemove Contacts from Direct Select Segment by external iddeleteOAuth - TempGetting Started With Your APIPowered by Delete contacts in the Act-On Contacts List by idsdelete https://api.actonsoftware.com/ucl/v2/{accountId}/contact/ids