Userspecs Overview

Userspecs is a JSON object to describe the users that are to be created. You pass the userspecs as a form parameter. The userspecs can contain any number of users to create. However, the each account has a maximum number of users that can be created.


NameRequired/OptionalData TypeDescription
userTypeRequiredStringValue must be "Marketing" or "Sales".
emailRequiredStringEmail Address of the new user
firstNameRequiredStringFirst name of the user
lastNameRequiredStringLast name of the user
passwordRequiredStringInitial password for the user. The user will be required to change the password during the first login. Password must be between 6 and 30 characters long and contain only the following characters: a-zA-Z0-9!@#$%^&*?|
titleOptionalStringUser's Job Title
phoneNumberOptionalStringUser's phone number
mobileNumberOptionalStringUser's cell number
timeZoneOptionalStringUser's time zone
sendEmailConfirmationOptionalStringDefault is "No". Value of "Yes" causes a confirmation email to be sent to the user being created.
marketingPrivileges:launchPrivilegeOptionalString"Allowed" or "Not Allowed" to indicate if the user can launch the app. See Code Example for formatting requirements. The default is the same as it is in the UI.
marketingPrivileges:adminOptionalString"Y" or "N" to indicate if the user is an Administrator. See Code Example for formatting requirements. The default is the same as it is in the UI.
contactLists:createOptionalString"Y" or "N" to indicate if the user can create contact lists. See Code Example for formatting requirements. The default is the same as it is in the UI.
contactLists:deleteOptionalString"Y" or "N" to indicate if the user can delete contact lists. See Code Example for formatting requirements. The default is the same as it is in the UI.
contactLists:downloadOptionalString"Y" or "N" to indicate if the user can download contact lists. See Code Example for formatting requirements. The default is the same as it is in the UI.
content:createOptionalString"Y" or "N" to indicate if the user can create content. See Code Example for formatting requirements. The default is the same as it is in the UI.
content:deleteOptionalString"Y" or "N" to indicate if the user can delete content. See Code Example for formatting requirements. The default is the same as it is in the UI.
programs:createOptionalString"Y" or "N" to indicate if the user can create programs. See Code Example for formatting requirements. The default is the same as it is in the UI.
programs:deleteOptionalString"Y" or "N" to indicate if the user can delete programs. See Code Example for formatting requirements. The default is the same as it is in the UI.
accountWideEmail:viewOptionalString"Y" or "N" to indicate if the user can view account wide email. See Code Example for formatting requirements. The default is the same as it is in the UI.
accountWideEmail:manageOptionalString"Y" or "N" to indicate if the user can manage account wide email. See Code Example for formatting requirements. The default is the same as it is in the UI.

Code Examples

The userspecs is a JSON formatted representation of the users to create. In the parameter list above when an element is nested it is shown with a “:”. So, for example, the parameter “accountWideEmail:manage” means that the “manage” element is an element of “accountWideEmail”. The userspecs is a JSON formatted representation of the users to create. In the parameter list above when an element is nested it is shown with a “:”. So, for example, the parameter “accountWideEmail:manage” means that the “manage” element is an element of “accountWideEmail”.

"title":"Marketing Manager",
"title":"Sales Manager",
 "launchPrivilege":"Not Allowed",